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Are Your Online Documents Secure?

online documents secure online documents secure

It seems all too often that data breaches are reported from large multinational corporations. Most recently Yahoo, First American Financial, Facebook, Marriott International, and Friend Finder Networks. Quite often these breaches lead to lawsuits, because they were not able to keep their online documents secure from the bad guys. As in the case of LinkedIn (LinkedIn, who had a data breach, was sued for millions of dollars for failing to protect their user’s personal information with more security features.)

Individuals need to not only protect their personal information, they also need to be confident that the websites they use have adequate security features in place to help keep online documents secure. This is especially true for any online system that contains sensitive personal information, such as court proceedings, medical or financial records or police reports.

Ditto Transcripts online system offers clients several advanced security feature so they can be confident their sensitive documents are being stored safely. Specific features include:

  • Scaled Network Redundancy
  • Virtual Private Network (VPN) Integration
  • Dedicated Datacenters
  • SSL 128bit Secure Encryption
  • Secure FTP (SFTP) Severs
  • Redundant Backups and Networks
  • Firewalled Servers
  • HIPAA-compliance (for medical records)
  • Password protected access

We also have in place a general liability insurance policy as well as a cyber liability insurance policy to protect all of our clients if there were ever a breach. Make sure you ask your current provider of transcription services if they have the same for you sake in case something bad does happen.

Ensure your business or practice keeps your online documents secure with advanced security features from Ditto Transcripts, LLC. Call our Denver, Colorado office today at (720) 287-3710 for a free no obligation price quote.

 Ditto Transcripts is a Denver, Colorado-based transcription company that provides fast, accurate and affordable legal transcription services for individuals and companies of all sizes. Call (720) 287-3710 today for a free quote, and ask about our free five-day trial.

Looking For A Transcription Service?

Ditto Transcripts is a U.S.-based HIPAA and CJIS compliant company with experienced U.S. transcriptionists. Learn how we can help with your next project!