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Things to Consider in Medical Transcription Rush Orders

By Ben Walker

Doctors and nurses face a mountain of paperwork every day, and it has been like that since the days of yore. The pressure to deliver accurate and timely patient records can be overwhelming, especially when urgent cases demand immediate attention. Medical transcription companies with stellar reputations can help with the paperwork. However, there are many … Continued

Is Medical Transcription a Dying Field?

By Ben Walker

Artificial intelligence is one of the biggest technological breakthroughs in recent memory. It’s everywhere now, from practical (data processing, robotics, computing, etc) to weird (fortune-telling, beer-making, and… brushing people’s teeth). Unsurprisingly, some medical facilities and practices consider using AI over human-powered medical transcription services. This has led to some people asking if the medical transcription … Continued

The Benefits of Clinical Trial Transcriptions and Translations

By Ben Walker

Clinical trials are the force behind medical breakthroughs, and precise data collection is a huge part of their success. However, how can they ensure that even the tiniest bit of information is documented and accessible to other researchers worldwide? This is where clinical trial transcription and translation services come into play. In this article, you’ll … Continued

How Medical Transcription Services Help Cardiologists

By Ben Walker

There are 127.9 million Americans with heart issues, making cardiologists essential for primary care. However much a cardiologist wants to focus on their job, certain administrative concerns like patient records and paperwork are equally important. The silver lining is that medical transcription services can help cardiologists with paperwork. Heart doctors can rest easy knowing their … Continued

How ER Transcription Streamlines Medical Data

By Ben Walker

When emergency rooms are bustling with patients, healthcare workers face stressful pursuits in delivering the best care possible. They’re juggling emergencies left and right, managing patient volumes, and ensuring accurate paperwork. Emergency room or ER transcription services can help streamline medical data and provide a saving grace for our overworked emergency personnel.  Transcription reduces time … Continued

How Specialized Transcription Services Help Oncologists 

By Ben Walker

In 2023, experts estimated that there were two million new cases of cancer in the US, with more than six hundred thousand of them resulting in death. Medical oncologists specialize in one of man’s most prevalent and devastating diseases—and they need all the help they can get. Ditto’s Oncology Transcription Services can help embattled oncologists … Continued

How to Reduce Blank Spaces in Medical Transcriptions

By Ben Walker

Medical transcriptions are a top priority in ensuring patients’ medical records are accurate, which is a big deal in promoting high-quality services. However, blank spaces in medical transcription can lead to potential medical errors. Blank spaces occur when the transcriber cannot interpret something from the dictation due to poor quality, unclear pronunciation, or complex medical … Continued

Medical Abbreviation List for Transcriptionists

By Ben Walker

Medical transcription services have become a practical option for converting voice-recorded dictations from healthcare professionals into text. Doctors often use abbreviations in their dictations to save time, so transcriptionists must be fairly familiar with commonly used medical abbreviations – which is why we created this list. Even minor mistakes in this abbreviation can result in … Continued

What are the Different Types of Medical Transcription Reports and Their Purposes?

By Ben Walker

Documentation of patient records has always been important in the healthcare industry because even the smallest errors can have consequences. Fortunately, there’s a solution that can help bridge the gap between healthcare providers and accurate medical documentation: medical transcriptions. Medical transcription reports can include consultations, psychiatric evaluations, discharge summaries, and patient medical history recordings. These … Continued

Looking For A Transcription Service?

Ditto Transcripts is a U.S.-based HIPAA and CJIS compliant company with experienced U.S. transcriptionists. Learn how we can help with your next project!