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AI Transcription Legal Risks: The Hidden Dangers in Automation

By Ben Walker

Legal risks are approaching as companies rush to integrate AI into their daily operations. However, these same organizations are torn between streamlining workflows and protecting sensitive information. Legal transcription companies offer their expertise as a safer alternative, though many businesses still opt for automated solutions without understanding the full implications.  Behind closed doors, legal departments … Continued

AI Transcription Services And Tools: How Can Artificial Intelligence Benefit You?

By Ben Walker

AI is a popular buzzword these days. Businesses from all over the world are announcing AI-powered this and AI-fueled that, seemingly to generate hype. The transcription industry is no exception; dozens of services now provide automated audio transcription that can transcribe anything from your dictations to your Google Meet recordings. However, is real-time AI transcription … Continued

Looking For A Transcription Service?

Ditto Transcripts is a U.S.-based HIPAA and CJIS compliant company with experienced U.S. transcriptionists. Learn how we can help with your next project!