What are the Different Types of Medical Transcription Reports and Their Purposes?

Documentation of patient records has always been important in the healthcare industry because even the smallest errors can have consequences. Fortunately, there’s a solution that can help bridge the gap between healthcare providers and accurate medical documentation: medical transcriptions. Medical transcription reports can include consultations, psychiatric evaluations, discharge summaries, and patient medical history recordings. These … Continued

How To Avoid Common Medical Transcription Errors In Healthcare

Medical transcription services, essential for avoiding transcription errors in healthcare, are now a non-negotiable process for healthcare facilities worldwide. With them, healthcare professionals don’t have to allocate significant chunks of their time to managing medical records.  However, the process comes with its own challenges, which could strain the healthcare system if not properly managed and … Continued

How Transcription Helps Maintain Good Clinical Records

Wondering how to maintain good clinical records? Good record-keeping practice is an essential part of any business. In healthcare, though, professional documentation and record-keeping play a more crucial role and have heavier consequences than scrambling to find which files to pull up. The sheer number of patients and the endless conditions and symptoms they present … Continued

5 Benefits of Multilingual Transcription Services for Business

The world is becoming more interconnected as the years go by, which means effective communication across language barriers is now more important than ever, especially for global businesses, education, and cultural exchange. With record amounts of audio and video content, there’s a need for transcription services that can handle multiple languages. Thankfully, multilingual transcription services … Continued

The Benefits of Using a Corporate Transcription Service For Your Business

Effective communication is the bedrock of many successful organizations. However, managing an extensive library of audio and video content can sometimes be an uphill battle, and that is where corporate transcription services can come in handy.  By using corporate transcription services to create text versions of their valuable recordings, organizations can maximize the potential of … Continued

Transcription vs Translation: Highlighting The Difference

Transcription and translation are two distinct solutions that benefit organizations globally. They provide many benefits, including content accessibility, SEO boost, and improved communication. So, what is the point of difference between translation and transcription? How are translation and transcription services beneficial to businesses worldwide? Many people get confused with the functionality of transcription and solution—sometimes … Continued

How Research And Data Analysis Projects Benefit From Qualitative Research Transcription Services 

Qualitative data analysis—using non-numerical data in research— is important, as not everything can be reduced to numbers alone. Unlike quantitative data, qualitative data is much more complex to collect, analyze, and use, making research focused on qualitative data techniques much more challenging and time-consuming. Fortunately, qualitative research transcription services can significantly reduce that burden and … Continued

How To Add Captions And Subtitles To Your LinkedIn Videos

With over 1 billion users worldwide, LinkedIn has come a long way from its modest roots in co-founder Reid Hoffman’s living room. The platform has taken a cue from the social media giants and now offers multimedia posts. Professionals worldwide can now leverage the attention-grabbing nature of videos, which can be further enhanced by adding … Continued

Tips to Improve the Audio Quality Of Your Recordings

Background noise can mess up the quality of your audio recordings to the point that you cannot understand them, and this can get frustrating, especially if you’ve made too many attempts. I relate to this as we, too, receive a significant amount of poor audio-quality recordings that need to be transcribed very accurately. If you’re … Continued

Looking For A Transcription Service?

Ditto Transcripts is a U.S.-based HIPAA and CJIS compliant company with experienced U.S. transcriptionists. Learn how we can help with your next project!