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How to Transcribe Facebook Videos

By Ben Walker

The meaningful messages in your Facebook videos deserve to be heard. However—and here’s a taste of reality that most content creators ignore—most viewers (myself included) keep their phones on mute. Although it may not seem much of an issue, this viewing habit can challenge content creators trying to get their message across. And that’s where … Continued

How To Make A Dental Office More Efficient

By Ben Walker

Running a dental practice can feel like juggling chainsaws while walking on a floss. Dental professionals face mounting pressures from insurance companies, demanding patients, and endless documentation requirements that consume chair time. There are many ways to make a dental office more efficient—like using a professional, medical transcription company—but the problem is knowing how to … Continued

Ethical Considerations in Medical Transcription

By Ben Walker

The healthcare industry has shifted to digital, and now everything can be accessed online. However, that convenience came at a price, as easy access has turned medical privacy into a minefield. Healthcare professionals must now contend with ethical considerations for every nook and cranny of their operations, including medical transcription. Sure, those partnered with reliable … Continued

Ways Physicians Can Improve Dictation Efficiency

By Ben Walker

Physicians and hospitals across America are losing the battle with medical documentation. Dictation and other recording media can help improve efficiency, though physicians still need all the help they can get. Fortunately, medical transcription companies offer relief to those in need. So, in the spirit of “help me help you,” let’s discuss how physicians can … Continued

Bulletproof Proofreading Checklist for Medical Transcripts

By Ben Walker

Practicing medicine requires rigorous precision. Where else can a single misplaced decimal point mean the difference between a healthy patient and a dead one? That’s why every process involved in the practice should adhere to elevated standards. However, doctors, nurses, and administrative staff are human, too, and documentation can be a heavy burden. Medical transcription … Continued

8 Tips To Improve Nephrology Documentation

By Ben Walker

I’m 100% certain that drowning in paperwork while treating chronic kidney diseases isn’t exactly what most nephrologists signed up for. The endless hours spent documenting every little detail can make even the most organized nephrologists want to pull their hair out. Although reliable medical transcription companies can help shoulder some of that burden, many practices … Continued

Differences Between SOAP and DAP Therapy Notes

By Ben Walker

Medical documentation overwhelms healthcare providers daily, yet precious moments spent typing notes could be devoted to treating patients instead. Subjective, Operative, Assessment, and Plan (SOAP) and Data, Assessment, and Plan (DAP) notes are important documentation that requires attention. However, the difference between SOAP and DAP therapy notes’ structure and format from other medical reports can … Continued

How to Transcribe Audio To Text on Your Mac

By Ben Walker

Your Mac is drowning in voice memos, recorded meetings, and video files with career-making details. That killer presentation detail? It’s buried in a three-hour recording. Those client-specific requirements? Sorry – they’re lost somewhere in yesterday’s video call. Professionals everywhere are playing a risky game with their audio files. Now, your Mac is stuffed with everything, … Continued

4 Must-Know Legal Transcription Rules To Avoid Disaster

By Ben Walker

The legal world drowns in endless spoken words that cry out for crystal-clear documentation—every court hearing, witness interview, deposition, and so on hangs in the balance. Fortunately, successful law firms now turn to legal transcription companies to convert this verbal chaos into precise, court-ready documentation. However, one must consider if the company knows the legal … Continued

The 7 Different Types Of Legal Transcription Defined

By Ben Walker

What’s the difference between a deposition and an arbitration question? How about the difference between an administrative hearing and a public hearing transcript? Going beyond the definitions, we must consider what’s needed in one transcript and what’s unnecessary in the other. Many transcription providers think knowing legal transcription is no different from general transcription- but … Continued

Looking For A Transcription Service?

Ditto Transcripts is a U.S.-based HIPAA and CJIS compliant company with experienced U.S. transcriptionists. Learn how we can help with your next project!